Kite Capers looking to Fly High With Kids
 An image taken from the UStarGames Kite Capers game
2004-12-04 - Brisbane, Australia: A new PC Storybook is putting kids inside the story for the first time this Christmas. 'Kite Capers' is a fun computer game that encourages reading and vocabulary development amongst children of all ages. The big difference bwtween Kite Capers and other PC games is that the star of the show is the child themselves. Kids not only hear and read their name in the narrative, but see their own faces in the interactive illustrations as well.
Kite Capers offers a massive range of personalization so children will feel the story they are reading truly involves them. The child is able to use their own name, with their own unique spelling throughout the text of the story. Other characteristics of the young star can also be adjusted, for example the skin tone and clothes worn in the game.
The game has been developed by U Star Games (, based in Brisbane Australia, and uses a unique graphics treatment process called 'Image-In Technology' which allows users to incorporate digital photographs into the interactive storybook pages by simply loading up a photo and tracing around the face. The image is then seamlessly inserted into the cartoon-like world complete with the child, an excitable monkey and a friendly cloud.
Matthew Pascoe, Head Developer of U Star Games, said, "We've tried to create an educational game that will really help kids with their reading and vocab but also make it really personal so they have fun with it. The idea is that they will be interested to see where the story goes and almost forget that they are learning at all."
To help the child improve their literacy skills, Kite Capers has a narration option with "karaoke" text so that children can read along with the story teller. "Hearing their name read throughout the story gives the kids a big thrill and gives them a sense of ownership," said Mr Pascoe.
Included with Kite Capers is a vocabulary game which helps to reinforce the new words the child picks up whilst reading the story or interacting with the pages.
U Star Games has found a new way to bring some excitement and fun to the literacy endeavor and hopes to continue to find entertaining ways to make reading and learning enjoyable for kids. Kite Capers is being made available online through and through growing numbers of retailers around the world.