Are You Metrogenerational?
 An example of a Hoodalums customized t-shirt
2004-11-05 - San Jose, CA, USA: Old School has never been so cool. That's the holiday trend according to custom clothing maker, Hoodalums. Hoodalums is a fast-growing retailer of customized clothing and accessories based in San Jose, California. The company has launched its new Web site ( featuring customizable fashions that span the decades.
"Old Neighborhoods, throwback jerseys, vintage icons, that's the rage today," said Hoodalums president Stella Hayes. "We call it metrogenerational--it's a mixture of 60's, 70's and 80's but customized to make it current." The company has actually trademarked the 'Metrogenerational' term.
Hayes says the customized part of the equation is a must. Started in Hollywood, customized clothing is a relatively new trend and Hoodalums is on the vanguard of this fashion focus. The company produces a full line of customizable fleece hoodies, T-shirts, tank tops and undies for men, women and kids. Hoodalums shoppers can select a garment and adorn it with any message they like in a choice of letter colors and styles. Customers can select from an extensive library of phrases, or come up with their own. According to the company, it uses only top of the line twill letters and insists on the best heat transfer films available. Garments range in price from $12 to $55. For U.S. customers, the company offers free shipping on orders over $100.
"Making a fashion statement today means literally saying something with what you wear," said Hayes. "At Hoodalums we let shoppers cross the chasm from hip vintage to the latest cuts, customizing all the way. Our cutomers find that mixing elements from several decades lets them craft their own unique look."
Hayes announced that Hoodalums plans to continuously introduce new Custom Vintage™ items in the lead up to Christmas. Customers or potential customers can also sign up for a newsletter which includes monthly updates on the latest fashion trends, celebrity Hoodalums, and exclusive discounts
Customized clothing appears to be taking a more significant share of the market with every passing month. As documented here on, both established fashion and retail brands, and new entrants such as Hoodalums, are rushing to stake their claim in the growing market for personalized clothes.
A look through the website shows the various products available, and there is any easy-to-use ordering system with drop-down lists where the customer can select their choice for each customizable attribute. An interesting section is the 'Hall of Fame' where customers have sent in pictures of themselves wearing Hoodalums clothing. One customer has a hoodie with the word 'Winkie' across the front. She explains: "My friends have been calling me “winkie” since high school. Now the whole world will know the true me. You people rock!"